a little experiment in contemporary dialog.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

master debaters

jester: dude my new coffeemaker is, like, smarter than i am
pdp: well a mound of dirt with some shit in it is smarter than you are
jester: interesting viewpoint
jester: however, i would counter-argue that i am smarter because i can move
jester: and as such i could totally whoop that mound's ass
pdp: a cogent rebuttal sir
pdp: however the shit-mound smells nicer than you
pdp: ergo you suck more
jester: ah, but you are constructing a straw man argument
jester: for the issue at hand is not odor but intelligence
jester: this is a logical fallacy and therefore you lose by default
pdp: shit
pdp: i guess that's true
jester: aha you are vanquished!
jester: or maybe i am
jester: i forget which way vanquishing goes

1 comment:

John Radke said...

sometimes we have ridiculous arguments. i used to debate in high school, so i usually declare myself winner.